CERTAIN to support Central and Eastern countries road research
The EC funded CERTAIN Coordination Action kicked off on Friday 15 September. Together with Commission Project Officer Herbert Thanner, the Project Coordinator Ales Znidaric (ZAG Ljubljana) reported that the project will make a significant contribution to the integration of researchers from Central and Eastern European countries into the established EU road infrastruture research as well as support implemenation and knowledge transfer.
Together with colleagues from Poland and the Czech Republic, and with the support of FEHRL and its members, the ZAG team will use the Project;
- To provide a platform for coordinated work and efficient dissemination of results of associated road infrastructure research projects.
- To establish and reinforce links with stakeholders in NMS and CEEC by organising dedicated workshops and providing the key project deliverables in their own languages.
- To encourage the more efficient incorporation of partners from NMS and CEEC in the future European research by providing training courses and mentoring for research project managers.
Training courses are expected to be conducted in early 2007. Nominations for training will be requested towards the end of 2006.